Trois Connect

Driving Innovation through Collaboration and Connectivity.

Unlock endless possibilities for collaboration and expansion with Trois connect – where strategic alliances pave the way for mutual success and market dominance!!
Strategic Alliances

Fueling Innovation in Collaboration with Enterprises.

We have Strategic Alliances with large, medium and small Enterprises to ensure the tailored products and services to meet the varying business needs of end customers. The collaborating business organisations include public and private organisations with distinguished technical and business capabilities.
We believe Strategic alliances between two or more like minded organisations work together to achieve common goals or objectives. These collaborations can take various forms and can be beneficial for all parties involved.
Based on the opportunity demand and achieve the business goal, we are open to strategic alliances in the form of Licensing, Supplier or Distribution Agreements and Marketing and Co-Branding.

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    In a licensing agreement, we grant another company the rights to use its intellectual property, such as trademarks, patents, or technology, in exchange for royalties or fees.

    Companies can collaborate with us by forming agreements where one company supplies goods or services to the other, or one company distributes the products of another. These arrangements can help businesses expand their reach and access new markets.

    Businesses can collaborate on marketing initiatives or co-brand products to leverage each other’s customer base, increase brand visibility, and attract new customers.

    Companies in the same industry may join forces to form industry associations or alliances to address common challenges, advocate for industry-wide interests, and share best practices.

    Collaborate with Trois to build and enhance your sustainable business